Take your child to work

The settle team welcomed Year 10 pupils from The Priory School this week. As part of the Take Your Child to Work initiative, 13 teenagers chose to understand more about social housing to help inform their future career choices.

As part of their day, some students helped get an empty property ready to re-let. Other students role-played talking with customers about the services we offer.

One student, Lara said “I didn’t know anything about social housing. If I was to have a job as a receptionist I could see how I could help with the problems customers have.”

The pupils also looked at real-life budgeting to get an idea of living costs. “The interactive tasks were very useful” said another student, Sam.

Gavin Cansfield, chief executive at settle said: “We’re here to help people who are struggling to find a place to live. We want them to live comfortably in their homes and to live the life they choose. There are so many different career paths that make up social housing and we really hope the pupils had an informative time.”

Anita Khan, director of housing said: “It was great to take part in the sessions with the students and to see their enthusiasm in questions about a range of topics from affordability and finances to the availability of housing.”