Keep safe this winter

With temperatures dropping, it’s worthwhile taking the time to make sure your heated appliances are in good working order.

Electric blankets

  1. Never use hot water bottles in the same bed as an electric blanket in case they burst and leak, even if your blanket is switched off.
  2. Unplug your blanket before you go to bed, unless it has a thermostat control for safe all-night use.
  3. In warmer months store your blanket flat, rolled up or loosely folded to prevent damaging the internal wiring.
  4. Test your blanket every 3 years. Herts Fire and Rescue should be able to do this for you.
  5. Check your blanket regularly for wear and tear and do not buy a second-hand blanket.
  6. Replace your blanket every ten years.

Portable heaters

  1. Keep heaters away from curtains and furniture and never use them to dry clothes
  2. Always unplug electric heaters when you go out or go to bed.
  3. Secure your heater against a wall to prevent it falling over.
  4. Only use gas or paraffin heaters in well-ventilated areas.

Christmas lights and candles

  1. Make sure all your Christmas lights carry the British Safety Standard Sign.
  2. Don’t attach decorations near lights or heaters.
  3. Be mindful not to overload sockets.

Test your smoke alarms monthly and only remove batteries when replacing them.

For more information on how to keep safe this winter, please look at the Herts Fire and Rescue website