We’re asking for feedback on our customer offer

At settle we’re passionate about delivering the best services we can to help residents live comfortably in your home.

To make sure we’re meeting customer expectations, we’ve been working on our customer offer, which outlines how settle colleagues work to deliver good services. It also includes details of what we expect from residents.

We know that we need to be clear about what customers can expect from settle as a landlord so that you can hold us accountable to deliver this. In the customer offer we set out the standards we work to, designed around the necessary regulations and consumer standards that social landlords like settle follow. It also explains how we will actively monitor the services we provide and seek your feedback to help us improve them.

We recently ran some small focus groups with members of our resident engagement panel to gather initial feedback on the draft customer offer. We’ve listened to the feedback we received from these focus groups and have now put together an updated document that outlines our customer offer that we want to test with all residents.

Our customer promise

At the heart of our offer is our customer promise. We launched this in 2019 to provide a clear and easy way to understand what to expect from us as a landlord.

We want to make sure the promise still reflects what is important to residents now. We invite you to fill out a short questionnaire with some questions on the customer promise that will take just a few minutes to complete.

If you would like to get involved and give us your feedback on the draft customer offer, please fill in the last section in the questionnaire. Colleagues from our engagement team will get in touch with you to confirm a convenient way for you to give us your feedback.