We’re starting early surveys on the new tenant satisfaction measures

Two settle vans

In December 2021 the Regulator for Social Housing (the Regulator) launched a consultation on proposed Tenant Satisfaction Measures. The aim of these measures, which were first included in the Social Housing White Paper The charter for social housing residents: social housing white paper – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk), is to provide residents and the Regulator with clear and comparable information about landlords’ performance.

This will help residents hold their landlords to account, and will also be used by the Regulator in their role assessing how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.

Under the current proposals, we will need to share our performance against the measures with our residents once a year and, as a housing association with over 1000 homes, we will also need to provide the Regulator with this information.

We welcome the intentions of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, and always aim to provide good services to residents. So, whilst the results of the Regulator’s consultation are due to be published in late summer 2022, with landlords like settle expected to report on the measures from April 2023, we are starting to survey residents based on the draft measures now.

What do the tenant satisfaction measures cover?
There are 22 measures in total which fall under five main themes:

  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Maintaining building safety
  • Effective complaints-handling
  • Respectful and helpful tenant engagement
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

Under current proposals 10 of the 22 measures will be directly measured using data landlords like settle have – for example, how many of our homes meet the Decent Homes standard set by government or how many complaints we respond to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Code timescales

The remaining 12 will be measured by surveying our residents.

Who will we survey?
We will survey all residents – the Regular doesn’t require landlords to survey leaseholders in this way, but we will still also ask settle leaseholders questions in line with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures through a separate survey.

What will our surveys involve now?
We are working with an independent company, CX feedback. They will send surveys to settle residents by email, text link to your mobile phone or letter if we don’t have a phone number or email address for you.

The surveys will be sent once a year to each resident, on the anniversary of your tenancy starting. Between August and October 2022, we will also survey residents whose tenancy began between April and June.

When we have a large enough sample of data we will publish this on our website. We expect to first publish this around October time this year.

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