Help getting back into work, volunteering or just company!

Create Community Hub in Letcworth Garden City

Have you been out of work for a while or looking for help to brush up on your skills to get back into the job market? Perhaps you’d like to volunteer or stay active and connected in some way.

We partner with Create Network who provide a great approach to support, guidance and opportunities. It all starts with a conversation.

Working together you’ll be able to look at the options available and decide the best route forward.

Here’s a few of the things Create offer:

  • safe, warm spaces to relax and chat with others
  • guidance on developing wellbeing and a healthy mindset
  • getting back some self-confidence
  • training around things like developing CVs
  • preparing for interviews
  • applying for volunteering opportunities
  • confidence using the internet and emails.
  • If you’d like to find out more, visit the Create Community website, email or call 01462 558802.