Four million homes – new resident opportunities and empowerment programme

A new government funded training scheme has been launched, empowering social housing tenants including settle residents to hold their landlords to account.

Called ‘Four Million Homes’, the training programme aims to improve engagement with social housing residents and encourage tenants to take an active role in how their homes are managed.

It will include free webinars, workshops, information, tips and advice to help tenants know their rights and how to access the Housing Ombudsman service.

Our commitment at settle is to provide homes that all residents can live in safely and comfortably, and to invest in neighbourhoods that people can feel proud to live in. We will always look to provide clear information about the services we provide, so that residents can hold us to account, and to actively seek feedback and make sure we learn from this. We welcome the aims of the Four Million Homes Programme and any support this will provide to help residents live more comfortably in homes that settle owns and manages.

We encourage settle residents to look through the details provided on the programme website. This already includes information and advice for residents, with details of events beginning in May, including online webinars on damp and mould and anti-social behaviour. You are able to book upcoming online and in-person events directly through the website.