Tenant Satisfaction Measures update

We have published our latest results against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, which includes feedback collected from residents from August 2022 to March 2023.

These results were collected through surveys sent to residents on the anniversary of their settle tenancy.

Under a new housing regulation all social landlords like settle survey a selection of residents on Tenant Satisfaction Measures to provide clear, visible and comparable information around landlord performance.

Along with other housing associations, we will report the results of feedback gathered between April 2023 and March 2024 to the Regulator of Social Housing in April 2024.

We started early surveying against these measures, and have now published our latest results, which include feedback collected from residents between August 2022 and March 2023.

New partner collecting your feedback

Since the middle of April we have been working with an independent company called Acuity Research and Practice to carry out surveys with residents on our behalf which will include collecting feedback for the Tenant Satisfaction Measures. A member of the Acuity team may contact you, usually through a phone call and will ask a series of set questions which we will report the results to the regulator in April 2024.

Please note: If you have call display on your phone, the call display will show a UK number with a Brighton area code (01273 093939). There is no cost to you for accepting this call.