Update on planned investment in homes

We continue to invest in residents’ homes and spent as planned £14million on this in 2022/23.

We finished the year on track replacing kitchens, bathrooms, windows and front doors and heating systems.

We successfully installed:

  • 308 bathrooms
  • 108 heating systems
  • 917 windows
  • 675 doors
  • 40 new roofs

We will maintain this high level of expenditure in 2023/24 investing in homes. Residents who are due to have work carried out on their homes in 2023/24 will be contacted before September this year.

We know that residents want more information from us about when investment is due to be carried out. We’ve included a summary of investment due by neighbourhood below. By September through the ‘my account’ service we provide online, you will be able to view if there are any replacement works being considered at your home this financial year [up to the end of March 2024]. We will then update this information on a yearly basis for each financial year, which runs from the start of April to the end of March.

NeighbourhoodInvestment during 2023-28Investment in 2023/24Number of homes in 2023/24
Grange, LetchworthKitchens – £660,000
Bathrooms – £160,000
Windows – £963,750
SHDF* – 2yr – £357,456
Kitchens – £66,000
Bathrooms – £24,000
Windows – £195,000
Kitchens – 8
Bathrooms – 6
Windows – 52
SHDF– 22
Jackmans, LetchworthKitchens – £1,722,600
Bathrooms – £124,000
Windows – £1,668,750
SHDF – 2yr – £406,200
Kitchens – £2,557,50
Bathrooms – £36,000
Windows – £551,250
Kitchens – 31
Bathrooms – 9
Windows – 147
SHDF – 25
Westmill, HitchinKitchens – £1,603,800
Bathrooms – £248,000
Windows – £851,250
SHDF – 2yr £146,232
Kitchens – £264,000
Bathrooms – £36,000
Windows – £146,250
Kitchens – 32
Bathrooms – 9
Windows – 39
SHDF – 9
Hitchin and surrounding villages
(excluding Westmill) SG4 & SG5
Kitchens – £4,785,000
Bathrooms – £1,192,000
Windows – £2,040,000
SHDF – 2 yr £4,013,256
Kitchens – £965,250
Bathrooms – £212,000
Windows – £1,323,750
Kitchens – 117
Bathrooms – 53
Windows – 353
SHDF – 247
Baldock & villages (All SG7)Kitchens – £1,788,600
Bathrooms – £396,000
Windows – £206,250
SHDF – 2 yr £1,949,760
Kitchens – £412,500
Bathrooms – £120,000
Windows – £33,750
Kitchens – 50
Bathrooms – 30
Windows – 9
SHDF – 120
Royston and surrounding villages
(All SG8)
Kitchens – £937,200
Bathrooms – £212,000
Windows – £791,250
SHDF – 2 yr £1,608,552
Kitchens – £264,000
Bathrooms – £60,000
Windows – £195,000
Kitchens – 32
Bathrooms – 15
Windows – 52
SHDF – 99
Other areasKitchens – £4,441,800
Bathrooms – £784,000
Windows – £1,465,970
SHDF – £2,518,440
Kitchens – £750,750
Bathrooms – £128,000
Windows – £82,500
Kitchens – 91
Bathrooms – 32
Windows – 22
SHDF – 155
Kitchens £15,939,000£2,978,250361
Windows£7,986,250£2,527,500674 SHDF
– 2yr – 677

This table shows the investment we expect to make. Details may change according to specific plans agreed with residents for individual properties.

*SHDF – expected allocation of the funds we have secured through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. More details are provided about this on the following page.

Decent homes

In our customer annual report last year we included our commitment to get 100% of homes to what the government calls Decent Homes Standard by the end of March 2022. We reached this target and will ensure all homes continue to meet the Decent Homes Standard this year.