Update following Baldock fire

We are aware of the fire at Baldock Industrial Estate last night, Tuesday 11th July. We are sorry to hear how this has affected residents and businesses in the area.
Updates from the fire service are that they declared this as a major incident yesterday evening, this morning they are scaling down their service as the fire is brought under control, but crews are expected to remain in the area.
There are still access restrictions in place in the surrounding area and we understand guidance remains for those nearby to stay inside properties, and keep doors and windows closed. Advice to others is to avoid the area where you can.
This may affect the way we deliver services today to residents living in settle properties in the area.
Our priority will always be to keep settle colleagues and residents safe. Where repairs team colleagues are due to visit properties, decisions will be taken according to the work required at each home about whether to go ahead with the appointment today or to rearrange it. Throughout, we will continue to complete emergency repairs to maintain the safety of each property.
We do not expect colleagues from other teams at settle to be visiting properties in the area today. If appointments do need to be rescheduled, colleagues will contact residents directly to rearrange them.
Additional support
The emergency services are leading the response to the fire and as part of this are responsible for supporting those who are more vulnerable. As your landlord, we will always do all we can to provide additional support and if there is anything you think we can do to help, please get in touch.