Repairs service update – January 2024

We know repairs are one of the most important services we provide. Our target this year is complete 90% of routine repairs within 28 days. We are currently completing 72% of them in that timeframe.
We have a plan in place to deliver these more quickly, and we can see that this is having an impact, particularly around the number of repair jobs we are working on across all locations and the average time it is taking us to complete repairs.
We will continue providing monthly updates on our website until we have got timescales for completing repairs where we want them to be.
An early focus of the plan is to reduce the number of open jobs on our systems. The fewer jobs we have open on our systems, the quicker we will be able to book in new routine repairs and complete them.
Colleagues brought the number of open jobs down from around 3300 at the end of June to around 2600 at the end of November. They managed to reduce the number of jobs open further during 2023 and in December achieved our target, to have less than 2,450 open jobs. This is despite receiving a higher than usual number of new repairs jobs between September and November.
In September we reported that we were completing 69% of routine repairs within target. We are aiming to hit our 90% of routine repairs in target by June 2024 and expect to see steady improvements towards the target throughout the coming months.
Please continue to contact us when you need a repair to your home, letting us have as much information as possible about your personal circumstances, and we will do all we can to book this in as quickly as possible.
We’re pleased to let you know that we’ve improved our report a repair feature on our website and you can now pick your own appointment date and time when reporting a repair. If you don’t have access to our website, you can call us on 0330 343 0016.