April repairs service update

Two settle vans

Our target is to complete 90% of routine repairs within 28 days. This target is set for the year which runs from 1st April to 31st March. We ended the year that finished on 31st March 2024 having completed 72% of repairs within target, reducing the average days to complete from 29 days in 2022-23 to 26 days in 2023-24.

We can see that across the year orders were raised for just over 27,000 repairs; nearly 4,000 more repairs than the previous year. This increase was partly due to weather conditions and the increase in storms and floods during the winter months, and also steps we are taking to proactively understand when repairs are needed, for example through our Big Door Knocks.

Throughout the year we have been working on improvements to help us complete repairs more quickly. As part of this, we have focussed on reducing the number of jobs we have open on our systems at any one time. Fewer jobs open means that we are able to complete new repairs more quickly. The improvements we have put in place mean that we have been able to complete the majority of these additional jobs, without a corresponding increase in the number of open jobs.

Demand for our repairs service reduced in March, although it has still remained higher overall than in previous years.

We will continue focussing on reducing our overall number of open jobs and delivering our repairs improvement plan. We expect to increase the volume of repairs we complete within the 28-day target to increase to 78% by September 2024.

As part of our repairs improvement plan, we are reviewing our resourcing and making three important changes. The changes are implementing a new repairs diagnosis tool to help get more work done right first time (April 2024) . We’re improving our reporting (planned for June 2024) and the way we use our IT systems too (planned for July 2024). We will continue to review our targets and provide monthly progress updates on our website.

We continue to complete 100% of emergency repairs within 24 hours and will continue doing all we can to book in routine repairs as quickly as possible.

Please continue to contact us when you need a repair to your home, letting us have as much information as possible about the work needed and your personal circumstances.

You can report your repair through our website – we’ve improved our report a repair feature online and you can now pick your own appointment date and time when reporting a repair. You can also call us on 0330 343 0016.