Our website is now more accessible

In collaboration with residents, we’re working hard to improve the on-line experience of our services and are pleased to announce that our website www.settlegroup.org.uk now has a UserWay Accessibility Menu for visitors.
Located in the top right of the webpage, the menu offers tailored options for viewing, reading and hearing webpage content.
Website visitors can select the individual options that work best for them or choose an Accessibility Profile that pre-selects the most relevant features.
For example, the colour-blind profile will enhance both the the colour saturation and contrast of page content.
Other features include dyslexia friendly font, re-sizing and spacing options and a ‘reading mask’ that acts like a ruler to help focus on one small section of text at a time.
The screen reader feature will read aloud web page content which makes it very helpful for those who can’t read or are unable to read.
The UserWay Accessibility Menu also provides a language translation option for visitors who would prefer to read or hear content in their first language.
We hope this improvement will make our website content more accessible for everyone.