Neighbourhood Plans
Neighbourhood Plans
A Neighbourhood Plan is a strategy led by residents that outlines key improvements and priorities for making communities safer, more welcoming, and a happier place to live.
To support our 2030 plan, we’re currently developing Neighbourhood Plans for our three largest communities – Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill, with other Neighbourhood Plans to follow.
Our 2030 plan has been developed by feedback from residents, colleagues, and local partners with priorities and commitments shaped by what we know is important to you and your community.
Neighbourhood Plans empower you to have a say in how we deliver the 2030 vision in your area.
Why is your involvement important?
We are relentlessly resident focused. Your feedback ensures that Neighbourhood Plans focus on what matters most to you and your community and helps us to prioritise our resources to make sure we are meeting your needs.
More information about our Neighbourhood Plans can be found on Settle connect – our online platform with information on how we are listening to you and giving you the chance to engage in what matters most to you.
You will find a dedicated page for each neighbourhood – Jackmans, The Grange and Westmill. Click through to the specific pages and use the tools like an interactive map and ideas board to share your feedback and suggestions.
The Grange Neighbourhood Plan
Share your thoughts in our Neighbourhood Improvement Survey and help shape your community! Use our map tool and ideas board to suggest improvements and explore other residents’ ideas.
Jackmans Neighbourhood Plan
Resident feedback has highlighted the need for more initiatives, addressing anti-social behaviour, enhanced litter picking and grounds maintenance, improved bin areas, and opportunities for residents’ meetings
Westmill Neighbourhood Plan
Feedback has highlighted the top five areas for improvement in Westmill as Enhanced communal cleaning and maintenance, better bin areas, Improved lighting, more resident meetings and parking solutions. Do these resonate with you, or is there something else we should focus on?