Domestic abuse and violence

If you are in a situation where you are being abused, or you fear that you may be abused, there are measures in place that can help protect you.

Anyone needing help, but fearful an abuser may overhear them calling, can secretly dial 999 and then press 55, which will let the police know they need emergency assistance.

For anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse, it is no doubt terrifying to be isolated with an abuser.

You can call the freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 and if you’re in immediate danger call 999, and remember the silent option of pressing 55. If you feel at risk, keep a mobile phone on you at all times and use the “silent solution” if you’re worried about an abuser overhearing you.

We have colleagues at settle who are specially trained to provide help and support in these situations. Please contact us and we will help.
 If you are in an emergency situation and feel that you are in immediate danger, it is important that you dial 999 first.