Launching settle plus

As part of our ongoing commitment to review and improve how we work, we’re pleased to confirm the launch of settle plus. During the pandemic we worked with residents, communities and stakeholders to provide support with food, heating and rent payments, along with accessing our long-standing programmes providing support getting into work, reducing isolation and help to deal with mental health challenges.

We’re clear that our commitment to our residents and communities is for the long-term and the launch of settle plus will help us do that. We’re rolling out new ways of working across all our teams, improving the experience for our residents and looking at how we prioritise future investment.

Gavin Cansfield, chief executive at settle says “I’m really pleased to see the launch of settle plus. It brings together some of our top priorities, ensuring we continue to take forward investment in our services and neighbourhoods based on understanding what residents need from us as their landlord. I look forward to continuing to work directly and with our partners to provide the support residents need, and ensure this makes the biggest possible impact for our tenants and communities.”

If there are ways we can provide additional help for you or neighbours, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll do all we can to help.