16 Days of Action

16 Days of Action is a campaign that raises awareness and calls for changes at an international, national and local level to end violence against women and girls. The campaign runs from 25 November (UN Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December 2021. 

Across our work at settle we will always do all we can to support residents and colleagues who might be experiencing domestic abuse and to help them get extra help.

This includes help from our own colleagues who are specially trained to provide support as domestic abuse champions. They will be able to provide help as soon as they are contacted by residents or colleagues. As part of the ways we help, we might also put residents in touch with partner agencies who are specialists in providing support.

One of the partners we work very closely with is SADA – Survivors Against Domestic Abuse. They have produced this short film about their work which we are happy to share now.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic abuse,  our teams at settle might be able to help in any way, please get in touch and we will do all we can. If you are in immediate danger, you should always dial 999 first.