Increasing fuel costs and energy providers going out of business

There’s a lot of information in the news about rising fuel costs and energy companies going out of business which may be worrying you. Our purpose at settle is to help our residents live comfortably in your homes, and we know that being able to keep your home warm is an important part of this.

If you have concerns about being able to heat your home, please get in touch and we will do all we can to help you. As part of this we can help you access extra payments to top up your gas or electricity. We have included the following information that might also help you.

Pre-payment meters

If you are on a pre-payment meter you should still be able to top up your meter as normal. If you are having problems topping up or your card or token won’t work, you can contact Citizens Advice North Herts who can help, or call the advice line 0800 144 88 48.

Appointment of new supplier

The energy regulator, Ofgem has lots more information on what to do if your energy provider has stopped operating and updates on the appointment of new energy suppliers. They are responsible for appointing new suppliers and should be in touch if your current energy provider is no longer operating with information on your tariff and what happens next. Martin Lewis’s website also has updates and advice on what customers should do and a Cheap Energy Club to compare your tariff against other energy companies.