A new website experience

Welcome to our improved website experience.

The new settle website shown on a mobile phone

Why did we change it?

Over the years, we’ve seen a massive increase in the use of our website. In response, we’ve improved what residents can do on the site and made pages simpler and more helpful. However, 60% of the use of our website is from a mobile phone and the site didn’t work brilliantly on mobiles.

Also, website accessibility is really important to us at settle. Although our previous website was AA rated, we wanted to make it even better.

So, we began a project to improve it – all with the simple aim of making it easier for you to find and do thing the things you want on the device you choose.

Logging in

If you’ve got a website account your password will stay the same. If you don’t have one, why not register for one today?

Designed with residents

We started by asking you – our customers. We met with more than 30 residents to understand what they did and didn’t like about our current website, and what mattered most (and least) to them when they used it. We created a new navigation and tested that with them. Then we created a new layout and design and (yep you guessed it) tested that with them too on the devices they used.

What do you think?

We hope you like the new experience, but if you’ve got any feedback for us, please tell us. At the bottom of every page you’ll find the ‘how can we make this page better’ button. Just click that, fill in the form and we’ll take a look.

What next?

We won’t stop here. Next, we plan to improve the report a repair and payment features to make them even easier and more convenient for you, but if there’s anything else you think we could improve please let us know using the feedback button below.