settle’s chief executive appointed National Housing Federation regional chair

We’re pleased to announce that Gavin Cansfield, chief executive at settle, has been appointed regional chair of the National Housing Federation’s East of England sounding board.

The National Housing Federation (NHF) represents housing associations in England who provide homes for around six million people. The sounding boards are responsible for overseeing the NHF’s regional engagement with members and providing member perspectives and insights from the region into the NHF’s national work.

Speaking about this appointment, Gavin said: “I’m delighted to take up the role of regional Chair for the East of England region.

Housing associations need a collective voice now more than ever – we need a strong National Housing Federation supported by the membership to make the case to local and central government for the vital work that members do. This is a time when we need to focus on the fact that we have more in common – our core purpose – than differences and we need to focus on what binds us.

I’m looking forward to working and meeting with members and continuing to build on the work of the sounding board in the region.”