Disrepair – what to do if you are contacted by a company that isn’t settle

Disrepair claims
Our purpose at settle is to help residents live comfortably in your homes. We understand that home should feel safe and be in a good state of repair. We’re here to help you look after your home and ask that you contact us in the first instance if you have any concerns about the condition of your home. We’ll work with you to resolve these as quickly as possible.
We’re aware that some residents have been approached by claims management companies, advising them to make a claim against settle for disrepair. They offer a ‘no win- no fee’ service and often promise pay-outs of several thousand pounds. However, there are many risks involved in this process and we want to explain the factors you should consider if you’re thinking of making a claim.
We are aware of some settle residents being targeted in a way that makes the claims management company seem like an organisation who is working with settle. If you are unsure who someone is do not give them your personal details and do not let them into your home. If you feel unsafe, contact the police straight away.
Here to help
We don’t want any resident to feel that you need to make a claim against us. There are lots of ways we can help so that concerns are quickly resolved.
More information
We’ve added lots more information in the sections below about the things to consider about a disrepair claim, the ways we can help resolve any issues quickly and links to other sources of independent advice and support.
Get in touch
Please contact us if you’ve any concerns or you would like more details about how we can work with you to quickly resolve any issues.
It is our responsibility at settle to keep your home safe and in a good state of repair. This includes keeping the building watertight and maintaining installations for sanitation, gas, electricity and water supplies. It also includes us completing repairs which have been reported to us and we are responsible for within a reasonable time. If this doesn’t happen, your home could be said to be in disrepair.
Claims management companies approach tenants and encourage them to make a claim against their landlord for disrepair. The claim is then sold to solicitors who represent the tenant and manage the claim on their behalf, at a cost. Any agreement made with a claims management company can put you at significant financial risk.
We are aware of some settle residents being targeted in a way that makes the claims management company seem like an organisation who is working with settle. All settle colleagues and contractors carry identification badges that include the settle logo. They will be happy to show you their identification and be patient with you if you would like to verify who they are. If you are uncertain, please contact us before allowing anyone to enter your home.
If you are unsure who someone is do not give them your personal details and do not let them into your home. If you feel unsafe, contact the police straight away.
- A fixed lump sum is often payable at the outset of the claim. This is used to take out an insurance policy to cover the cost of the claim and can be a significant amount.
- If you change your mind after signing a contract with a solicitor, you may be still be liable to pay the cost of any work already undertaken on the case. This can be solicitors’ fees for hours already worked on your case or the cost of any survey that has already been undertaken. You may also be liable to pay the premium for any insurance policy which has been taken out in conjunction with the claim.
- Any compensation you receive as a result of your claim will be reduced (often significantly) to cover your legal fees
- If your claim is unsuccessful, you may also be liable for the cost of our legal fees.
Breach of Tenancy
Often, companies working on behalf of residents advise them not to provide access for an inspection or any repairs which are necessary. Following this advice would be a breach of your tenancy agreement with us.
It is our responsibility to ensure that your home is safe and in a good state of repair. We will give you notice and visit your home to carry out an inspection. If there is a health and safety risk and access is not provided, we may apply to the court for an injunction to access your home. Any costs associated with this will be passed on to you.
Time to resolve
In some cases, claims can take years to resolve and you may need to attend court to provide evidence.
When we receive your claim, we will make an appointment to carry out an inspection of your home. We’ll record the condition and make a note of any repairs your home needs. We’ll also note any damage or unauthorised changes to your home, which you will be expected to cover the cost of making good.
We’ll arrange to visit your home to undertake any works which have been identified and are within our repair offer. We’ll check our records to see if you have previously reported any of the repairs identified, in line with your tenancy agreement.
We will always carry out repairs in every case to keep homes in a good state of repair. We do need to also explain that we will always defend any disrepair claims which we feel are unjustified, or disputed under the terms of our tenancy agreements. In some cases, this might also involve court action.
We can offer lots of ways to help resolve concerns quickly.
We can help by offering advice on or repair responsibilities, undertaking an inspection of your home to identify any problems and arranging repairs on your behalf.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received from us, you can use our complaints procedure to resolve the matter quickly. One of our customer resolution partners will work with you and our management team to resolve your concerns.
You might also find it helpful to contact these organisations for information or advice: