Repair responsibilities

Repair responsibilities

Please see the below options on repair responsibilites.

Kitchens and bathrooms

Please remember:

Both kitchens and bathrooms


Type of repair


Unblocking blocked waste pipes, sinks, baths, basins and toilets You
Leaks Us
Waste pipe repairs Us
Wall and floor tiles Us
Disabled facilities including hand/grab rails, toilet plinths and shower trays fitted by us Us
Water stop cocks and valves Us
Taps Us
Plugs and chains You
Sinks and basins Us
Extractor fans (see electrics below)
Lights, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes (see electrics below)



Type of repair


Baths Us
Damaged bath enamel. Repair kits can be bought from DIY stores You
Bath panels You
Toilets and cisterns Us
Toilet seats You*
Showers and shower trays fitted by us, where it is the only means to wash Us*
Shower hoses, heads*, curtain rails, curtains, riser rails and clips You*

*We’ll repair or replace these if you live in one of our retirement or flexicare homes.


Type of repair


Kitchen cupboard door hinges, drawer handles and runners You
Kitchen worktops, cupboards and cupboard doors Us
Outside taps (see gardens, fences and trees below)


Replacing your kitchen or bathroom

Please see the planned improvements section below.

Blocked sinks, toilets, baths, showers, gutters and drains

Some blockages are our responsibility to clear and others are yours.

Common blockages and how to clear them

If the blockage is in the U-bend under your sink, bath, shower or toilet, then you’ll need to clear this yourself.

You can do this using a plunger or drain unblocking liquid which can be bought from a local DIY shop.

There are also lots of helpful videos about how to do this on YouTube.

Outside drains

If an outside drain is blocked try to clear it. If the blockage is below ground or in the main drain please report it to us.

When to report a blockage to us

Report a repair to us if:

  1. A gutter is blocked or leaking
  2. You’ve tried to clear a blockage yourself but it’s still blocked

Doors and windows

Please remember:

  • If you fitted something, had it fitted or if you accepted it as a gift when you accepted your property it will be your responsibility to fix and maintain it
  • To cover any accidental damage to items in your home we strongly suggest you get contents insurance


Type of repair


Your main front and back doors. This includes the hinges, frames, locks, paint and the doors themselves Us
Other external doors You
Catches, spy holes, door numbers, letter plates, security chains, draught excluders You*
Internal doors including the hinges and handles You
Internal door frames Us

* We will repair or replace these if you live in a block of flats or in one of our retirement or flexicare homes.


Type of repair


Glass You*
Condensation inside double glazed windows Us
Window frames, handles, fastenings and hinges Us
Window locks and restrictors. For safety reasons we don’t allow window locks or restrictors to be fitted to windows, unless it’s a recommendation from a professional organisation


* Unless this was an act of crime (see below)

Lost keys and forced entry

We don’t keep copies of keys to any individual properties. If you lose your keys, contact a lock-smith rather than forcing or breaking a door or window. We’ll charge you if we have to board up or repair any doors or windows that have been damaged by you.

Theft and break-ins

If your keys were stolen or if your home was broken into as a result of crime, please tell us the crime reference number when you report it to us.

Replacing your windows and doors

Please see the planned improvements section below.

Heating, hot water and gas

Please remember:


Type of repair


Arranging for a gas and/or electric supply and connection to your property You
Gas meter (contact your gas company) You
Gas central heating including boilers and radiators Us
Gas water heaters Us
Hot water cylinder and immersion heater Us
Arranging for a cooker to be safely connected to the gas supply by a qualified person You
Carbon monoxide detectors fitted by us Us
Electric, oil-fired or solid fuel heating systems Us
Chimney flues (chimneys will be swept as part of the annual heating service) Us
Lofts, insulation, roofs and chimneys (see roofs and chimneys below)


Replacing your heating system

Please see the planned improvements section below.

Gardens, fences and trees

If you have a garden you must:

  • Maintain it to a good standard including any grass, hedges and trees
  • Keep pathways on your land clear of slip hazards, and if you have a tree that overhangs a public pathway, you need to make sure low or loose branches are not dangerous to others
  • Keep it tidy and free from rubbish
  • Not store any flammable liquids, cylinders or appliances such as petrol, diesel or parafin
  • Not store unused items such as old washing machines, fridges, cars, motorcycles and parts, furniture etc
  • Not remove a tree, put up a shed or other structures without written permission from us
  • Not park or store any cars or vehicles unless you have a driveway.
  • Not store a large van, camper van or caravan without written permission from us

Repairs and maintenance

Type of repair/maintenance


Washing lines / rotary dryer / clothes posts You*
Water butts You
Outside taps You*
Cutting grass, hedges and maintenance of trees and other vegetation You*
Collecting and disposing of fallen leaves You
Dealing with pests such as rats, pigeons, wasps, ants etc You*
Fences and gates at the front of the property You
Fences and gates at the back of the property Us#


* If it’s in a communal area we’ll maintain this.

# We may replace damaged fences with more economical chain-link fences unless they back onto a public area or footpath.


If you want to cut back or remove a tree in your garden you must get written permission from us first. We will seek planning consent where this is necessary.

If a tree in your garden is overhanging your neighbour’s garden, they can request you cut this back to the boundary line. Alternatively they can carry out this work themselves once they have permission from us to do so. You have no obligation to do this work unless the tree is dangerous or diseased.


Although, you don’t have to collect and dispose of leaves, it’s good to remove them from drains before they block them. See also gutters and drains below.

Will settle remove leaves?

We don’t normally remove fallen leaves from communal areas.

If leaves are causing you a mobility or safety problem please contact us.


Please remember:

Electrical faults

Type of repair


Electric meters, arranging the supply of electricity to your property and reporting any faults with meters to the electricity supplier You
Resetting trip switches at the main fuse board (consumer unit) You
Electrical faults Us
Plug sockets, light switches, light fittings and other electrical fittings we have installed Us
Cords for pull cord light switches You*
Phone, broadband, TV and satellite sockets You
TV aerials at individual properties You
Communal TV aerials (usually in blocks of flats) Us
External lighting fitted by us Us
Replacing or cleaning the filters in extractor fans You
Extractor fan faults Us
Arranging for a cooker to be safely connected to the electric supply by a qualified person You
Faults with mains powered smoke detectors Us
Fuses in plugs and appliances You
Replacing light bulbs including fluorescent (strip) lights and fluorescent light starter motor (watch: changing a flourescent tube and starter video) You
Replacing light bulbs in sealed lights You*


* We will repair or replace this if you live in one of our retirement or flexicare homes.

Sheds, garages and outside buildings

Please remember:

Repair and maintenance responsibilities

Type of repair


Lost garage keys (see also the ‘lost keys and forced entry’ section on the doors and windows page) You
Garage roofs, guttering, walls, doors (including opening mechanism) Us*
Garage blocks – communal forecourts Us*
Sheds You
Structural repairs to concrete and brick-built sheds, outbuildings and porches attached to your home Us#
Lean-to extensions and conservatories etc You
Coal Bunkers You


* If your rented garage becomes unusable or insecure as a result of a needed repair we’ll credit any rent due thereafter until the repair has been completed or we may offer you an alternative garage if we have one available.

# This doesn’t include repairs to windows, doors, keys, locks, furnishings, electrics, plumbing, decoration etc. We may remove a brick-built shed, outbuilding or porch if it’s unrepairable, however we’ll always discuss this with you first.

Walls, floors and stairs

Please remember:


Type of repair


Minor cracks and damage that can be filled with common wall filler You
Large cracks and areas of plaster coming away from the wall Us
Painting and decorating You
Painting/repainting and decorating following repairs we or our contractors have carried out You
Coving and dado rails You
Skirting boards Us
Wall tiles in rooms other than kitchens and bathrooms You

Floors and stairs

Type of repair


Floorboards Us
Carpets, laminate flooring and other floor coverings You*
Floor tiles in rooms other than kitchens and bathrooms You*
Stairs, bannisters and handrails Us
Disabled and mobility facilities including stair lifts, ramps and handrails fitted by us Us


* Sometimes, old floor tiles found in kitchens and bathrooms can contain minor traces of asbestos. Before removing any please read our asbestos page.

Lofts, insulation, roofs and chimneys

Please remember:

Lofts and insulation

Type of repair


Insulation to pipes Us
Water storage tanks and overflow pipes Us
Loft and roof insulation Us*


  • We’ll only repair and maintain loft insulation if damaged by a flood, fire or pests. Insulation upgrades are not classed as repairs

Roofs and chimneys

Type of repair


Roof repairs Us
Solar panels Us
Fascia boards and soffits Us
Gutters and drains (see gutters and drains below)
Chimneys and chimney pots Us
TV aerials and satellite dishes on individual properties You#
Communal TV aerials on blocks of flats Us


# To ask for written permission to install a TV aerial or satellite dish please see our DIY and making improvements to your home page.

Replacing your roof and installing insulation

Please see the planned improvements section below.

Paths, paving and driveways

Please remember:

Repair and maintenance responsibilities

Type of repair


Driveways You*
Paths to your front and back doors Us
Concrete or paved paths, patios and other areas not required to access the property You*
Garage blocks – communal forecourts Us
Disabled facilities including ramps and handrails fitted by us Us


* We may remove or repair isolated areas we think are dangerous or cause a trip hazard

Driveways and parking

You must not park or store any vehicles unless you have a paved or concrete driveway and a dropped curb from the road.

If you want to lay a driveway you must get our written permission first.

If you have a driveway you must:

  • Not use it to store unroadworthy vehicles
  • Not store a caravan or camper van without written permission from us
  • Not use it to carry out major vehicle repairs
  • Keep it tidy and not store items such as old washing machines, fridges, furniture etc.

If you’re having problems with parking at your block or in the neighbourhood, please read the parking problems section on the communal areas page.

Outside walls and brickwork

Please remember:

Repair and maintenance responsibilities

Type of repair


Walls Us
Rendering Us
External painting and decoration (see the planned improvements section below) Us
Outside taps (please see gardens, fences and trees)


If you want to make a change to your home that involves building or altering a wall or will change the external appearance of the property please read our DIY and making improvements to your home page.

Painting your home

Please see the planned improvements section below.

Gutters and drains

Please remember:

Repair and maintenance responsibilities

Type of repair


Blocked or leaking gutters and downpipes Us
Blocked drains You*
Cleaning drain gullies and grates You
Broken drain gullies Us
Rainwater harvesting systems fitted by us Us


* If the drain blockage is below the ground in the main sewer you’ll need to contact your water or sewerage company

Sewerage treatment systems

Some of our properties have systems that treat and safely dispose of sewerage and waste water (water from toilets, sinks, showers, dishwashers, washing machines etc).

If you live in a property that uses a sewerage treatment system, never put the following kinds of things down the sinks or toilets as then can clog or damage the system: wipes, nappies, sanitary products including tampons, paint, oils or oil-based chemicals including motor oil, grease etc.

If you think there’s a problem with the system please contact us immediately and let us know.

Emptying and servicing

We will:

  • Inspect the system every month
  • Service the system twice a year
  • Empty the tanks before they become full
  • Arrange for our contractor to fix any problems as quickly as possible (if it’s an emergency within 24 hours)

The costs of providing and maintaining the system will be divided between the number of properties using it and included in your service charge.

Planned improvements

These are larger jobs like replacing your kitchen, bathroom, windows, fitting insulation, external repainting etc.

Every five years we’ll do a full inspection of your property. When these larger jobs are needed, we’ll plan them with you.

If you want to do any improvement work yourself check our DIY and making improvements to your home page.

Report a repair

Track my repairs

DIY and making improvements to your home

Repairs we charge for

Communal areas and facilities