New approach to consumer regulation

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New requirements of all social housing landlords like settle were launched at the start of April 2024, to improve the services you receive. These include a new approach to consumer regulation which our Regulator will use in setting the outcomes that landlords must deliver for tenants and the new complaint handling code launched by the Housing Ombudsman.

These are really important for all social landlords in terms of making it clear what the expectations are of us as a landlord and service provider, and the standards we need to meet for our residents.

Landlords like settle have worked to standards set by our Regulator for governance and viability for many years. Additional consumer standards have been launched from April this year. The consumer standards cover four areas:

  • The neighbourhood and community standard
  • The safety and quality standard
  • The tenancy standard
  • The transparency, influence and accountability standard (including the tenant satisfaction measures).
  • These are all underpinned by the consumer standard code of practice.

We take the responsibilities of these standards extremely seriously. Our first priority is to provide you with a safe home of a decent standard and to ensure you have the opportunity to shape the services you receive.

We have been preparing for the introduction of the new standards for some time. We have also recently had an independent review carried out to monitor our compliance with the standards. We are awaiting the results of this review so that we can put in place any additional action plans needed.

You can see more details about all standards on the website for the Regulator of Social Housing.

We encourage all settle residents to give us feedback on our work. We will always listen and learn from this. Find out more about how we collect feedback.

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