Redevelopment of 3-5 Newells in Letchworth

Redevelopment of 3-5 Newells in Letchworth

In October 2021, we invited local residents to a consultation event to discuss our plans for the redevelopment of properties 3, 4 and 5 Newells on the Jackmans estate in Letchworth Garden City. We have now submitted a planning application to redevelop these homes into a new block of 15 one and two-bedroom apartments.


The three properties, 3-5 Newells, are currently empty and would require significant investment to return them to a decent, lettable standard. We therefore started to explore the opportunity to redevelop these existing homes to provide a three-storey building of one and two-bedroom apartments, reflecting the acute demand for this type of accommodation on the local housing register. The redevelopment will retain communal, green space as well as vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access, in order to serve the nearby allotments and Greenway.

Our commitment at settle is to work with partners to provide good quality homes that respond to the needs of our residents, and to invest in neighbourhoods and communities. This ambition, coupled with our commitment to invest in sustainable homes, means we will use this opportunity to ensure these homes are zero carbon in use, reducing their impact on the environment and resulting in drastically reduced bills.  


We invited neighbouring residents to review our initial proposals and designs for the redevelopment, to ask questions and share any feedback through an open consultation and virtual platform for those who could not physically attend the event.

Overall, the plans were well received. Any concerns were predominantly around our plans for the garage compound and the impact of the additional homes on the availability of car parking.

Through developing the design, we’ve sought to take on board these concerns as much as is possible. To address the concerns around car parking (as this seemed really important to everyone) we’re proposing to use two small areas of amenity lawn, hedging and hardstanding to provide an additional 13 parking spaces.

We’ve also incorporated feedback from pre-application advice from the North Hertfordshire Council into our designs, particularly around the size of the block and its potential for being visually dominant on the corner of Pryor Way. Re-designing the balconies, roof profile and looking at materials intended to be used has reduced the visual impact of the block.

A full summary of the questions and feedback can be seen below

Whilst the consultation period with settle has closed (October 2021), we’re still here to answer any questions you may have, so please get in touch by emailing or by calling us on 0330 3430016.

There will also be a 21-day statutory consultation period as part of the planning process, where you will be invited to comment directly by North Hertfordshire Council.

Feedback on resident engagement event on 3, 4 and 5, Newells


You said: If it keeps to the plans shown, we have no problem with the building

We did: It was great to get this feedback on our early plans. As we explained at the consultation event, the drawings/layouts/floor plans exhibited were only indicative at that stage. We have since developed the design, taking on board other residents’ feedback and responses from pre-application advice from planning.

You said: Can you assure us that the flats will be used for families living locally and not house more drug abusers, or people that will cause anti-social behaviour?

We did: Our plan is to deliver 15 one and two-bedroom homes, for which there is a strong demand for within north Hertfordshire on the local housing register. We intend to deliver this as a fully affordable housing scheme, but the exact tenure and mix are likely to be reviewed. If we deliver this as a rented block, applicants will need to be registered on the Common Housing Register. To join this register, an applicant is required to have (and demonstrate) a local connection to North Hertfordshire. Moreover, applicants are considered to not qualify if they, or a member of their household, has engaged in anti-social behaviour or certain types of crime.

You said: What are the current gardens going to be used for?

We did: The gardens currently to the front and rear of the existing homes will be included in the development, but our intention is to retain as much green, open space around the new block as possible.


You said: What’s happening to the garages? Will people be compensated for the loss of their garages?

We did: Since the consultation, we now have three garages in the block that are void. For individuals that make use of one of these garages under a licence, settle will be seeking to terminate this agreement. Whilst you will not be compensated; the licence fee will no longer be payable. Some residents at the engagement event thought this was paid within your property’s rent but is a separate charge. We appreciate the disruption that vacating your garage will cause and will provide you with as much notice as possible.


You said: There is not enough parking as it is. If you take away the garages, this will only get worse.  Where will residents of the new block park?

We did: We have developed our design of the block and parking areas to comply with the North Hertfordshire Planning policy and requirements for provision of car parking spaces to new dwellings. Parking for the new development will be provided on the site.

You made us aware that some people use the garages adjacent to 3-5 Newells for parking, so the expectation was that if these were removed, numerous cars would displaced and would be parked elsewhere. However, when we conducted research into the usage of the garages in question, only three responses indicated that their garage was used for parking a car or a combination of parking/storage. Since then, another of the licensed garages was returned to us, so we now have a total of 3 empty garages in this block.

We’ve taken on board comments made at the engagement event about areas of bushes in Newells that could be better utilised as additional car parking. In our latest design, we are proposing to use two small areas of amenity lawn, hedging and hardstanding to provide an additional 13 parking spaces.

You said:
Will access be retained through the construction? What about HGVs, refuse collection and congestion?

We did: Naturally, as with all construction projects, sometimes there will be more noise and traffic around the site, depending on the work that is being undertaken.  We will ensure there is minimal impact from the development works to residents living nearby. There will also be a planning condition requiring a Construction Management Plan to ensure disruption is minimised, restricting working hours and maintaining emergency and bin collection access during construction.

How we collect feedback

Completed Developments