Our plan

Our plan

2024 vision incorporating the settle logo as the 0

Our plan, launched in 2019, summarises the four strategic themes we’re focussed on delivering by 2024.

Providing good services

2024 goals

customer effort score of less than 3.5

customer trust score of more than 8

What we’re focussing on

Being a good landlord

We’ll work relentlessly to get the basics right, delivering services that are easy to access with a clear offer for our customers. When things go wrong, we’ll put them right, focusing on resolution not process.

Listening to the voice of the customer

We’ll deliver services based on what our customers value driven by data and engagement. Transactional and low in effort where preferred and high in engagement when they are trust bearing activities.

Realising our social purpose

Creating places where residents can thrive by looking at ways of combating loneliness, helping with education and work to support customers in the life they choose.

What we value

Being pioneering – known for good customer service and the ability to deliver solutions.

Being entrepreneurial – driven by data: using insight together with customer and colleague feedback.

A well-run social business

2024 goals

A minimum operating surplus of 30%.

Generate £5m in social value.

What we’re focussing on

Being a good business

A business that knows the cost and value of everything. Really effective governance driving a focus on efficiency and effectiveness balancing development, service delivery and our social purpose.

Driving efficiency

Targeting year on year cost base efficiencies across housing management, maintenance and business activity.

Investing in assets

A fully funded investment programme in existing properties to ensure they are good quality homes that reflect customers’ needs.

Social purpose

We are ambitious about producing a surplus to ensure that we balance good services, new homes with delivering our social purpose.

What we value

Being collaborative – the partner of choice for the health service, local councils and charities – achieving more together.

Being trusted – by our customers, colleagues and stakeholders.

Delivering more homes

2024 goals

Complete high quality new homes of which at least 90% are affordable.

Deliver our first regeneration programme at John Barker Place.

What we’re focussing on

More homes

Building in our core areas of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.

Quality homes

More homes of a quality we can be proud of with space standards that work for all our customers.


A focus on the affordability of new homes.

Improving neighbourhoods

Exploring opportunities for regeneration and creating places where residents can thrive.

What we value

Being bold – ambitious in developing new affordable homes.

A place where colleagues love to work

2024 goals

Achieve an employee trust score of 85%.

3,000 hours of ‘giving back’ time from colleagues.

What we’re focussing on

Being settle

Our colleagues are passionate about social purpose, not just the day job but giving something back to customers and communities. Together with a culture of colleague engagement driving a great customer experience that is being settle.

An inspiring and rewarding offer

Nurturing the talent of colleagues with great opportunities to grow, develop contribute to our pioneering spirit.

Voice of colleagues

Listening to the voice of colleagues: what they see & hear from customers & stakeholders, to drive continuous improvement.

What we value

Being proud – to be the ‘go to’ place to work in our geographic area.

Current developments

Completed developments