Results from our first big door knock

It’s really important to us at settle to talk to our residents – so that we know what’s working well, the challenges you face and what we can get better at doing as your landlord.

Earlier in September, we completed our first big door knock. Colleagues from teams across settle personally visited 420 customers in many of the areas where we have properties and got over 1,500 pieces of feedback.

We’ll be doing the big door knock every year and we’ll make sure we use the feedback to improve our services and the ways we work.

What you told us

Here’s a summary of the things you told us are most important to you:

  • Repairs service – you want us to make sure you can get repairs more quickly
  • Parking, mainly at our retirement living schemes
  • It can be difficult getting through to the right person when you call us

Read the Big door knock full report [PDF]

If we didn’t manage to visit you, please remember there are several ways you can give us your views about what you like and how we can improve.

Next steps

We’ll publish more detail in the next week about how we will respond to all the findings.

We know that during the big door knock, some residents also discussed specific issues for their homes with settle colleagues. We will get back to each customer with individual updates within the next two weeks.