Our repairs recovery plan

We usually aim to complete all routine repairs within 18 days. We’re currently completing them on average within 22 days, but some trades are taking considerably longer than this.

Why is this?

We have a backlog of repairs to complete following the UK lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic, when we were only able to complete urgent and essential requests. The media have also reported challenges with supply chains, including access to specialist labour, and parts such as fencing and boards, which are affecting us at settle.

We wanted to provide more details about the average time it is taking for us to complete repairs and what we’re doing to provide them more quickly. Read our repairs recovery plan here

We continue to provide all emergency repairs within 24 hours and we’ll continue to book in all routine repairs as quickly as possible, considering each resident’s personal circumstances and wellbeing. Please let us have as much information as possible when you contact us  to book your repair, and remember you can also report this to us online .