An update on our services

On 8 December 2021 we heard form the government about guidance to work from home where possible and increased use of face coverings.

Our priority at settle remains the safety of residents and colleagues and we wanted to give an update now on how we are continuing to deliver services and support residents.

Delivering services

We are planning to carry on delivering services as usual, including repairs. We will continue to follow the additional safety measures that we introduced earlier during the pandemic.  
As part of this our colleagues will wear face coverings when visiting residents in your homes, and we will also ask residents to wear face coverings when colleagues are in the property.
Please let us know if you are self-isolating ahead of any visit.  

Visiting us

Our office at Blackhorse Road in Letchworth will be closed to customers and the public from Monday 13th December. Where you’d normally meet with us at our office, we’ll do this over video conference and telephone call where we can.

Extra support 

Throughout our response to the pandemic, we have provided extra support to help residents and we continue to do that. If there’s anything we can do to help, please get in touch.