Support from settle

Updated: 02 October 2020

Our role at settle goes beyond being a landlord, especially at this time of coronavirus. We want to help all residents and make sure you can live safely and comfortably in your homes.

There are lots of ways we can help and we’ve described some below. If there’s any way we might be able to support you, our teams are still working, so please contact us and we’ll do all we can.

Help with rent

We know many people are dealing with money worries at the moment. If you’re worried about your rent, please get in touch and we’ll help.

Food and other essentials

We can provide food and help you with other essential things like topping up your gas and electricity.

Repairs and safety checks

We are continuing to provide our usual landlord services, including routine repairs, although some things are taking longer than usual with additional safety measures.

Domestic abuse

No one should have to live in fear in their home. There are measures in place to help and protect you.

If you aren’t yet in touch with us and there’s anything we can do to help you, please contact us. There’s lots we can do and if we can’t help you directly, we’ll put you in touch with people who can.