Post-lockdown service update

As we emerge from the national lockdown and move into Tier 2, we appreciate that this remains a difficult time for many people. We’ll continue to do all we can to make sure you can live safely and comfortably in your home.

This means we are continuing to provide our usual landlord services, including all emergency repairs within 24 hours and routine repairs.

The additional safety measures we introduced in response to COVID-19 to help protect residents and colleagues remain in place, and many of our staff continue to work from home. This does mean it may take us a little longer to do things and for you to get through to us on the phone.

Accessing our services online

You can do many of the things you might want to contact us about online. Just login to your account where you can report repairs, make payments, make changes to your contact details, check your rent balance and more.

When we visit your home

To keep you and our team safe when we visit your home, we’ll both need to do things slightly differently. If your request involves a visit to your home, please read our appointments during coronavirus page.

Visiting us

Our office remains closed to customers and the public for now. Where you’d normally meet with us at our office, we’re doing this over video conference and telephone call where we can.

Do you need extra support?

There are lots of ways we can provide extra support at this time. We can help with things like rent, food and other essential items like topping up your gas and electricity. If there’s anything we can do to help, please get in touch.