Services update during national lockdown

As we start a new national lockdown, our teams at settle are continuing to provide emergency repairs and essential safety work.

As throughout all of our response to COVID-19, the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues, residents and communities is our priority and will guide all that we do. 

We are continuing to deliver services remotely where this is possible. In light of the new strain of coronavirus and to ensure we can continue to deliver services in a manner that is safe, where a settle colleague would need to enter a resident’s home, we are limiting face-to-face contact to emergency repairs and essential safety work.

If it is not possible to complete an activity due to safety reasons, we will contact you with more details.

In line with the latest guidance, many of our colleagues at settle are working from home. Please bear with us as this does mean that some things might be delivered differently or take longer to complete.

When we visit your home

To keep you and our team safe when we complete emergency repairs, we’ll both need to do things slightly differently. Please read our appointments during coronavirus page  If you or a member of your household are self-isolating, please let us know before your appointment.

Extra support

We understand that this remains a very difficult time. There are lots of ways we can provide extra support. We can help with things like rent, food and other essential items like topping up your gas and electricity. If there’s anything we can do to help, please do get in touch.

If you’re struggling to cope or have other concerns, we can help with issues affecting your wellbeing in lots of areas or direct you to organisations who can.