Winter Big Door Knock 2022

We recently completed our Winter Big Door Knock with residents in Royston, Hertfordshire, and surrounding villages during the last two weeks of January. Every quarter, colleagues from teams across settle contact residents in a different location to find out how they are doing and what they think of the services we are providing and if we can improve in any areas.
Due to Covid restrictions at the time of this check-in, instead of making face-to-face visits we contacted residents in the area by phone.
We spoke to 292 customers who were asked questions about their overall satisfaction with our services in their neighbourhood.
Satisfaction rate
- 73% of customers are satisfied overall
- 71% are satisfied that we get the basics right when it comes to repairs, customer service and when things go wrong
- 70% feel happy about the quality of their home
- 77% feel that their home is safe
- 82% feel satisfied in their neighbourhood
- 75% feel that settle as a landlord, we care about our residents.
Making a difference
When asked if settle cares about its residents, some customers said we’d gone above and beyond to accommodate their personal circumstances which required an immediate response.
We could also see a theme across the feedback we received, that colleagues need to check in with customers when we are providing services, to make sure we have done everything we could at that time. We will work together across settle to make sure we get better at this.
We’re listening
We’d like to thank all the residents who took the time to speak to us and share their views. If you would like to share your views on our services – tell us what we could do better and when we’ve done something well, or make a complaint at any time.
More information about our Big Door Knocks is available here.
If you need to report a repair or have any kind of wellbeing worry, always contact us as soon as you can and we will help in any way we can. Remember, you can also report repairs to us online. You can choose your repair appointment time and track the progress of it.