Voice of the resident panel – meeting update

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We’re pleased to provide an update on the second full meeting of our Voice of the Customer panel, which took place on Tuesday 13 June.

The panel is made up of 10 residents who bring with them a diverse range of experiences and a great deal of enthusiasm for representing all residents’ voices. The group will work closely with settle colleagues and Board members, meeting regularly to discuss, shape and improve our services.

During the most recent meeting we held workshops with panel members on two areas.

settle standards

We asked panel members what they would like to see included in the four new standards we are developing, which we will use to provide clarity on the services we provide and help residents hold us to account in the following areas:

  • Homes
  • Estates and neighbourhoods
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Empty homes

Panel members shared some great ideas and feedback which we’ll work to include in the documents. We will share updated drafts with the panel and residents before our next Voice of the Customer panel meeting in September.

settle corporate plan

Our current corporate plan at settle runs until 2024.

We are now starting to develop our next plan to run from 2024. We have involved the Voice of the Customer panel members at the very start of this process. Panel members shared with us their ideas around what the new plan should cover including:

  • Ambitions for the services we provide
  • The homes we rent and sell
  • How we deliver value for money.

We will reflect this feedback in the drafts we’re working on and take these back to the next panel meeting for further review. There will also be opportunities for all residents to share their views on the priorities reflected in our next corporate plan – look out for more news on these on our website during the summer.

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Newly formed Voice of the Customer Panel hold their first meeting ( March 2023)

How we collect your feedback

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