How we choose improvements
How we choose improvements
At settle, we want to be the best landlord we can be. We’re committed to improving the services we offer and we will always listen to what we hear and act on it, to make sure we get things right.
We choose how to make improvements based on the feedback we hear, from things we can see work well and when we can see there are things we need to get better at. We also look at things like new technologies and how we can use them to deliver our work and services in better ways.
Monthly reports are provided to our leadership team and our internal Tenant and Resident Assurance Panel, chaired by settle’s Chief Executive Gavin Cansfield, who asks for assurance from service owners we deliver improvements responding to what residents are telling us through feedback and data.
Regular reporting also goes to the Voice of the Customer panel who hold us to account on performance and Tenant satisfaction measures.
Please give us your feedback
We encourage all residents to give us your feedback, and there are lots of ways to do this.
This could be joining our resident engagement panel, taking part in surveys, giving us feedback through our Big Door Knock, making a complaint, or giving us a compliment. Find out more about the ways to give us feedback.
We share the feedback we receive as appropriate across the organisation, with colleagues working at all levels. This includes regular reports to our Board who have oversight of our work.
Regular updates are provided to our Tenant & Resident Assurance Panel and the Voice of the Resident panel. Both panels are in place to make sure we deliver improvements responding to the data, feedback, and complaints we receive.
If there is something you think we could do better or differently, please get in touch and we will do all we can to put it right as quickly as possible.