Rent a home

Rent a home

If you want to apply for housing in North Hertfordshire you must register and complete a housing application on the Home4U website.

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Empty properties are advertised every week on Home4U.

When you see a property that meets your needs you can then express an interest or bid for the property through our choice based lettings process (see below).

The Home4U user guide gives more details of how it works and what to do.

What if I want to move to another area?

settle are in partnership with some local authorities outside North Hertfordshire . In 2023, we built 113 new homes for four local authorities.

If you’re looking for housing in another area, you should contact the housing department of the council in that area.

They will have details of how to apply for council or housing association properties in the area.

Choice based lettings

When you complete a housing application it will be assessed based on your needs.  You’ll then be told which housing band you have been placed in.

How does it work?

Properties are advertised weekly on the Home4U website. When you see a property that’s the right size for you and meets your specific housing needs, you bid on it. You can do this through the website, by email, or by calling in at one of our partners’ offices. You can bid for up to 3 properties each week.

Once bidding closes on a property, the top three applicants will be offered the chance to view the property. It will then be offered to the applicant with the highest priority.

Although homes are offered first to those with the greatest need, they are not always accepted so they are then offered to the next applicant. Choice Based Lettings also means that lower priority applicants can be successful with properties that are in lower demand.

Allocations policy

In North Hertfordshire, there’s a greater demand for social rented housing than there is available properties. Unfortunately this means we can’t guarantee social rented housing for everyone who wants it.

To make sure those with the greatest need are housed, the Common Housing Allocation Scheme gives preference to households according to need.

Common Housing Allocation Scheme [PDF]

Local lettings policies

Local lettings policies (LLPs) are used in some areas to add specific requirements or restrictions on rented properties.

The majority of the main lettings policy will still apply, but the local lettings policy will include additional criteria that will be specific to local issues that need to be considered we rent properties in that area.

Examples of situations when local lettings policies are used could include:

  • Criteria to make sure there’s a mix of household sizes (often in new developments) to make a balanced community
  • Conditions that aim to reduce the likelihood of neighbour problems in areas that have high levels of anti-social behaviour
  • Criteria that give greater priority to local people in rural areas, especially where a development is as a result of an exceptions policy

In these circumstances, the criteria of the local lettings policy will be detailed in the Choice Based Lettings advert and only applicants who meet the criteria will be able to bid.

LLP – Bursland, Abbotts Road, and Monks Close – Letchworth [PDF]

LLP – Icknield Way – Letchworth [PDF]

LLP – Mill Road – Royston [PDF]

LLP – Queensway – Royston [PDF]

LLP – The Tene – Baldock [PDF]

LLP – Westmill Road – Hitchin [PDF]

LLP – Maytress – Hitchin [PDF]

LLP – Maylin Close – Hitchin [PDF]

Section 106 agreements

A Section 106 (S106) agreement is an agreement between a developer and a local authority about the measures the developer must take to reduce the impact on a community. The common use of planning obligations are used to:

  • secure affordable housing
  • specify the type and timing of housing
  • secure financial contributions to provide infrastructure or affordable housing application

The majority of the main lettings policy will apply but, where there is a S106 agreement in place, we are required to follow any additional criteria contained in it.

S106 – Arbury Place, Station Road – Baldock [PDF]

S106 – Castlefield – Preston [PDF]

S106 – Garden Fields – Cockernhoe- [PDF]

S106 – South Road and Limekiln Lane – Baldock [PDF]

S106 – Pixmore Avenue – Letchworth [PDF]

S106 – The Limes – Radwell [PDF]

S106 – Fairfax Lane, Lilburn Avenue and Cromwell Way – Royston [PDF]

Are you ready for your new settle home?

Read our Are you tenancy ready [PDF] guide, to see all the steps from now until you’re settled in your new home.

Shared ownership

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