Listening to you

We hear from residents in many ways. We will always listen to what we hear and act on this.

Our Big Check In

Every year, colleagues from teams across settle personally get in touch with residents to gather feedback and use this to make improvements to our services.

Changes we made following our first ‘big door knock’ in September 2019 included reducing waiting time for repairs and increasing investment in communal areas.

We repeated this way of hearing from residents through our ‘big check in’ during September 2020. Colleagues at settle, along with our executive team and chair of our board again contacted residents to hear their views. We managed over 600 calls and over 120 visits in line with all appropriate distancing guidance.

We have used the feedback we received to shape how we continue to provide support to residents in response to COVID-19, including during the second national lockdown, and as part of a wider project looking at how we best support residents and invest in each neighbourhood. We will be carrying out our Big Check In every three months.


We also send out more detailed surveys to ask how residents think we’re doing in general.

The results of our most recent survey highlight the importance of improving communication and customer service from settle, particularly where this is about a repair and making sure we respond more quickly to enquiries, especially where a resident raises a concern or issue.

How we’re improving

We have work underway to make sure we do better, based on customer feedback.

This includes making our complaints process easier to access and keeping customers informed at each stage, carrying out a full review of our repairs service by the end of this year, and regularly reviewing trends and themes in the complaints raised. Our monthly Customer Assurance Panel and monthly Complaint Panel ensure we take appropriate action.


If you’re not happy with what we’ve done or how we’ve done something, please let us know.

Changes we have made following recent complaints include improving the ways we make repairs to heating systems and boilers.

You can find out more about how to make a complaint on this page and more information on how we handle complaints

How we handle complaints

In the new year, we will be holding discussions with customers who have previously made a complaint to settle, to understand how we can improve the ways we handle complaints.
If you’d be interested in taking part, we’d be really pleased to hear from you – you can let us know by filling in this form or contact us by phone or email.